Bachelor in Biochemistry - Biochimie

LU - UL - Faculty of Science

Number of Years:   3 Years
Education Language:   French, English
Number of Credits:   180 ECTS credits
Degree:   Bachelor's / Licence
Campus:   Tripoli
Department:   Chemistry
Subfield:   Chemistry , Biochemistry

About Bachelor in Biochemistry - Biochimie:

The Biochemistry major in the Faculty of Sciences is a specialized program at the intersection of biology and chemistry, focusing on the molecular processes within living organisms. Led by accomplished faculty, the curriculum covers biomolecular structures, enzymatic reactions, and genetic mechanisms. Students engage in hands-on laboratory work, gaining practical skills in biochemical techniques. This program prepares graduates for careers in pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and medical research. Fostering a dynamic learning environment, the Biochemistry major contributes to advancements in our understanding of life sciences, positioning students to make impactful contributions to the field.