Master 2 in Condensed Matter Physics

LU - UL - Faculty of Science

Number of Years:   1 Year
Education Language:   French, English
Number of Credits:   60 ECTS credits
Degree:   Master's
Campus:   Rafik Hariri Campus - Hadath
Department:   Physics
Subfield:   Physics

About Master 2 in Condensed Matter Physics:

The Master 2 Research program in Condensed Matter Physics is an advanced curriculum within the Faculty of Sciences, designed for individuals seeking specialized knowledge in the study of matter in its solid and liquid forms. Guided by experienced faculty, the program covers advanced topics such as quantum mechanics, statistical physics, and the properties of condensed matter. Students engage in hands-on research projects, gaining practical skills in experimental and theoretical techniques used in condensed matter physics. This major prepares graduates for careers in academic research, industry, and research institutions where expertise in understanding the properties and behaviors of materials in various states is essential. Fostering a dynamic learning environment, the program contributes to advancements in condensed matter physics, addressing challenges in materials science, nanotechnology, and the development of novel materials with specific properties. Graduates are well-prepared to contribute to research at the forefront of this diverse and interdisciplinary field.