Research Master in Economic and Social Development

LU - UL - Institute of Social Sciences

Number of Years:   2 Years
Education Language:   French, English
Number of Credits:   120 ECTS credits
Degree:   Master's
Campus:   Rabieh
Department:   Social Sciences
Subfield:   Communication/Information , Criminology , Demography , Geography , History , History Of Science And Technology , Physical Geography , Sociology , Religion Sciences

About Research Master in Economic and Social Development:

The goal of this research master's program is to prepare students for doctoral studies in social and economic development sciences. The competencies acquired include: The ability to research development issues at the local, national, regional, and global levels. The capacity to analyze and evaluate development projects. The capability to assess public policies in economic, social, educational, and health domains. The skill to develop development strategies. The ability to manage development projects.