Master 2 in Biodiversity: Management and Conservation of Natural Resources

LU - UL - Faculty of Science

Number of Years:   1 Year
Education Language:   French, English
Number of Credits:   60 ECTS credits
Degree:   Master's
Campus:   Fanar
Department:   Biology
Subfield:   Biology

About Master 2 in Biodiversity: Management and Conservation of Natural Resources:

The Master 2 program in Biodiversity: Management and Conservation of Natural Resources in the Faculty of Sciences is an advanced curriculum designed for professionals aiming to address the challenges of biodiversity conservation and sustainable resource management. Led by expert faculty, the program covers ecological principles, conservation strategies, and sustainable resource utilization. Students engage in fieldwork and research, gaining practical skills in biodiversity assessment and ecosystem management. This major equips graduates for leadership roles in environmental organizations, conservation agencies, and governmental bodies. Fostering a dynamic learning environment, the program contributes to the forefront of biodiversity science and prepares students for impactful careers in preserving our natural heritage.