Bachelor in Medical and Social Work - Travail Médico-Social

LU - UL - Faculty of Public Health

Number of Years:   4 Years
Education Language:   French
Number of Credits:   240 ECTS credits
Degree:   Bachelor's / Licence
Campus:   Fanar
Department:   Medical and Social Work
Subfield:   Library Science , Public Health

About Bachelor in Medical and Social Work - Travail Médico-Social:

The Bachelor's in Medical and Social Work at the Faculty of Public Health combines medical knowledge with social work principles, providing a holistic approach to healthcare. Students learn to navigate healthcare systems, advocate for patients, and address the psychosocial aspects of medical challenges. The curriculum emphasizes cultural competence, ethical considerations, and collaborative care. Through practical training, graduates gain skills to support individuals and families facing health issues, contributing to comprehensive patient well-being. This program prepares professionals to work at the intersection of medicine and social work, fostering a deep understanding of the diverse needs within healthcare settings.