First Year in Computer Sciences- Informatique

LU - UL - Faculty of Science

Number of Years:   1 Year
Education Language:   French, English
Number of Credits:   60 ECTS credits
Degree:   Preparation Programs
Campus:   Debiyeh - Section
Department:   Mathematics and Informatics
Subfield:   Mathematics , Information And Communication , Computer Science , Cybersecurity/Computer Security , Database , Management Information System , Networks , Software , Systems

About First Year in Computer Sciences- Informatique:

The Computer Science major in the Faculty of Sciences is a dynamic and innovative program that delves into the core principles and applications of computing. Led by a distinguished faculty, the curriculum covers a wide spectrum of topics, including algorithms, programming languages, and artificial intelligence. Students engage in hands-on projects, utilizing cutting-edge technologies to solve real-world problems. The program fosters a collaborative learning environment, preparing graduates with strong analytical and problem-solving skills for careers in software development, cybersecurity, and data science. The Computer Science major is at the forefront of technological advancements, contributing to the evolving landscape of information technology within the academic realm.